Product Listing

ERPNext provides a product listing page where your customers can discover your products. It is enabled by default if you have published Items on your website.

You can go to the product listing by clicking on the Explore button on your homepage or visiting the /all-products route. For example,

Product Listing Product Listing

1. Products Settings

The Product Listing can be configured from Products Settings. Go to Website > Portal > Products Settings.

Products Settings Products Settings

Here are some of the configuration options:

  1. Home Page is Products: If checked, the default home page will be set to Product Listing.
  2. Products Per Page: Define how many products to show per page on the Product Listing.
  3. Hide Variants: Only show Item Templates on the Product Listing. You can hide variants only when Attribute Filters are disabled.

1.1 Filters

You can also add filters to your listing. There are two types of filters:

  • Field Filters
  • Attribute Filters

Field Filters

Enable the Field Filters checkbox in Products Settings and add the fields based on which you want to have the filters.

Field Filters Field Filters

Attribute Filters

Enable the Attribute Filters checkbox in Products Settings and add the attributes based on which you want to have the filters.

Attribute Filters Attribute Filters

Go to your Product Listing, it should show filters on the sidebar.

Product Listing with Filters Product Listing with Filters

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