Setting Up

Learn how to configure ERPNext for your business needs

Basic Setup

Company Setup

A company is a legal entity made up of an association of people for carrying on a commercial or industrial enterprise.

Setting Up Taxes

Taxes are compulsory contributions to the state/country revenue. ERPNext allows you to manage taxes with each transaction

Setting Company Sales Goal

Defining and achieving sales goals/targets can help your company reach new goals and increase revenue.

Global Defaults

Default values for documents like Currency, Fiscal Year, etc. These values will be used across the system.

System Settings

System Setting contains settings for system-wide configuration of the account involving settings related to security and administration.

Letter Head

A Letter Head contains your organization's name, logo, address, etc which appears at the top portion in documents.

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Data Import and Export

Data Import

Data Import is an easy way to upload (or edit) bulk data (especially master data) into the system.

Data Export

Data Export lets you export data from various ERPNext masters to a CSV or an Excel format.

Charts Of Accounts Importer

This importer allows you to create your own Chart of Accounts according to your requirement and import it into the system.


In the ERPNext, you can manually download database backup and can later be resotred to a new site.

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User and Permissions

Adding Users

Users can be added by the System Manager. And can be given separate permissions based on their role in the organization

Role Based Permissions

Permission to different documents can be controlled using Role Based Permissions.


You can share documents with other users via sharing in ERPNext.


The administrator is above the System Manager and has all the rights and permissions for an ERPNext account.

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Print Settings

In Print Settings you can set your printing preferences like Paper Size, default text size, whether you want to output as PDF or HTML, etc.

Print Format

With Print Format, you can set how document types look when printing.

Print Format Builder

The Print Format builder helps you quickly make a simple customized Print Format by dragging and dropping data fields and adding custom text or HTML.

Address Template

Address template can store different formats of addresses based on the region.

Terms and Conditions Template

Terms and conditions contain the terms and conditions of a service/product offered by a seller to a buyer.

Custom Translations

With Custom Translations, user can print the customer's and supplier's document in their local language.

Raw Printing

ERPNext let's you send raw commands to thermal printers directly to print barcode, labels and much more.

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With workflows you can rewrite how a particular process/workflow is approved in ERPNext.

Workflow Actions

Workflow Actions is a single place to manage all the pending actions you can take on Workflows.

Workflow State

A Workflow State is a state in the workflow you create.

Assignment Rule

An Assignment Rule lets you set up automatic assignment of documents to Users.

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Email and SMS

Email Domain

An email domain is the name of the network/service you're using for your email account.

Email Account

You can sync your email account with ERPNext to send and receive emails from ERPNext.

Linking Emails to Document

An email can be linked to multiple documents in ERPNext both manually and automatically

SMS Settings

You can subscribe to an SMS provider to send SMS to mobile numbers.


You can configure various notifications in your system to remind you of important activities.

Document Follow

Document Follow is a feature that allows users to track changes in documents like via email notifications.

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System Configuration

Show or Hide Modules

You can globally Hide or Unhide certain modules by clicking on Show/Hide Cards in your ERPNext Home Page.

Naming Series

Master and transactions can be given prefixes in the form of naming series.

Session Defaults

Session Defaults are configurable default values set during user sessions.

Bulk Rename

Bulk Renaming allows renaming multiple records at once.

Bulk Update

Bulk Update allows you to update a particular field of a DocType for all documents.

Milestone Tracking

You can automatically track milestones based on the lifecycle of a document if it undergoes multiple stages.

Auto Repeat

Auto Repeat feature helps you create certain documents automatically in a given time period.

Domain Settings

You can select the domains to be active globally under Domain Settings.

Energy Point System

Energy Points System is a rating/karma system that you can enable for your organization.

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Data Privacy

Personal Data Request

Personal data download tool enables a user to automatically download all the personal data they have generated while using ERPNext.

Personal Data Deletion

Personal data deletion tool enables a user to anonymize all the personally identifiable data a user has generated while using ERPNext

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