Setting Up

Setting up an ERP system is like starting your business all over again but in the virtual world. Thankfully it is not as hard as the real business and you get to do a trial too!

To get an ERP implementation right, the implementor needs to set aside time and perform the implementation with dedication. Usually, this is not your post work side project you spare a couple of hours on.

You'll find the global configuration options here, for module-wise setup, visit the respective modules.

1. Topics

1.1 Basic Setup

  1. Company Setup
  2. Setting Up Taxes
  3. Setting Company Sales Goal
  4. Global Defaults
  5. System Settings
  6. Letterhead

1.2 Data Import

  1. Data Import
  2. Data Export
  3. Charts Of Accounts Importer
  4. Download Backup

1.3 User and Permissions

  1. Users and Permissions
  2. Adding Users
  3. Role and Role Profile
  4. Role Based Permissions
  5. User Permissions
  6. Role Permission For Page And Report
  7. Sharing
  8. Administrator

1.4 Printing

  1. Print Settings
  2. Print Format
  3. Print Format Builder
  4. Print Style
  5. Print Headings
  6. Address Template
  7. Terms and Conditions Template
  8. Cheque Print Template
  9. Custom Translations
  10. Raw Printing

1.5 Workflows

  1. Workflows
  2. Workflow Actions
  3. Workflow State
  4. Assignment Rule

1.6 Email and SMS

  1. Email Domain
  2. Email Account
  3. Email Inbox
  4. Email Template
  5. Sending Email from any Document
  6. Linking Emails to Document
  7. Email Digest
  8. Auto Email Reports
  9. SMS Settings
  10. Notification
  11. Document Follow
  12. Email Dropbox

1.7 System Configuration

  1. Show or Hide Modules
  2. Naming Series
  3. Session Defaults
  4. Bulk Rename
  5. Bulk Update
  6. Milestone Tracking
  7. Auto Repeat
  8. Domain Settings
  9. Energy Point System

1.8 Data Privacy

  1. Personal Data Request
  2. Personal Data Deletion

2. Articles

2.1 Basic Setup

  1. Change Password
  2. Edit Submitted Document
  3. Delete Submitted Document
  4. Rename User
  5. Difference Between System User And Website User
  6. Managing Letterhead
  7. Using Prepared Report

2.2 Data and Managing

  1. Overwriting Data From Data Import Tool
  2. Delete A Company And All Related Transactions
  3. Managing Tree Structure Masters
  4. Managing Permission Level

2.3 Errors

  1. Email Error
  2. Report Permission Error

2.4 Other Actions

  1. Integrating ERPNext With Other Application
  2. Naming Series Current Value
  3. Using Custom Domain On ERPNext
  4. Set up Two Factor Authentication
  5. Disabling Line Breaks in Print Format Sections
  6. Integrating ERPNext With Biometric Attendance Devices

3. Videos

3.1 Basic Setup

  1. User and Permissions

3.2 Data and Printing

  1. Data Import Tool
  2. Printing and Branding

3.3 Email and SMS

  1. Email Account
  2. Email Inbox

3.4 Files

  1. File Manager

3.5 Sales

  1. Customer and Supplier
  2. Item and Pricing
  3. Opening Invoices Creation Tool
  4. Opening Stock