
The Stock or Inventory module in ERPNext helps you to:

  • Maintain details of your products and warehouses.
  • Track receipt, transfer and delivery of the products.
  • Optimize stock levels by providing real-time information via reports.
  • Provide valuation of each product.

The Stock module is tightly integrated with Purchase, Manufacturing and Accounting modules.

1. Topics

1.1 Basics

  1. Introduction
  2. Warehouse
  3. Item
  4. Opening Stock
  5. Accounting Of Inventory Stock
  6. Price Lists
  7. Stock Settings

1.2 Item Variants

  1. Item Variants
  2. Item Attribute

1.3 Setup

  1. Item Price
  2. Item Group
  3. Unit of Measure (UoM)
  4. Manufacturer

1.4 Stock Transactions

  1. Material Request
  2. Purchase Receipt
  3. Delivery Note
  4. Stock Entry
  5. Packing Slip
  6. Retaining Sample Stock
  7. Landed Cost Voucher
  8. Pick List

1.5 Serial and Batch Number

  1. Serial Number
  2. Batch
  3. Installation Note

1.6 Tools

  1. Quality Inspection
  2. Stock Reconciliation
  3. Quick Stock Balance

1.7 Return

  1. Sales Return
  2. Purchase Return

1.8 Advanced

  1. Delivery Trip
  2. Projected Quantity
  3. Perpetual Inventory

1.9 Stock Reports

  1. Stock Ledger Report
  2. Stock Level Report
  3. BOM Explorer
  4. Stock Value and Account Value Comparision

2. Articles

2.1 Stock Transactions

  1. Allow Over Delivery Billing Against Sales Order up to Certain Limit
  2. Auto Creation Of Material Request
  3. Delivery Note Stock Error
  4. Stock Entry Purpose
  5. Stock Received But Not Billed

2.2 Managing Items

  1. Item Valuation Transactions
  2. Maintain Stock Field Frozen In Item Master
  3. Managing Rejected Finished Goods Items
  4. Return Rejected Item
  5. Track Items Using Barcode
  6. Creating Depreciation For Item
  7. Item Valuation FIFO And Moving Average
  8. Item Codification

2.3 Serial and Batch Number

  1. Serial Number Naming
  2. Opening Stock Balance Entry For Serialized And Batch Item
  3. Managing Batch Wise Inventory

2.4 Other

  1. Sales Return Use Cases
  2. Managing Fractions In UOM
  3. Repack Entry
  4. Material Transfer From Delivery Note and Purchase Receipt
  5. Mode Of Payment
  6. Migrate to Perpetual Inventory

3. Videos

3.1 Stock Transactions

  1. Stock Opening Balance
  2. Stock Entries

3.2 Items

  1. Item and Pricing
  2. Item Variant

3.3 Inventory

  1. Batched Inventory
  2. Serialized Inventory

3.4 Other

  1. Fixed Assets Management
  2. Managing Subcontracting
  3. Quality Inspection