Using ERPNext

Learn how to navigate your way around the user interface and helpful utilities


To Do

To Do is a simple tool where all the activities assigned to you and assigned by you are listed. You can also add your own to-do items in the list.


You can store your long notes under this section and also set appropriate permissions for your note.


You can add YouTube and Vimeo videos using the Video DocType.


The Calendar is a tool where you can create and share Events and also see auto-generated events from the system.


You can send and receive messages from the system by using the Messages tool.


Dashboard provides an at-a-glance view of key performance indicators relevant to the business process.

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Collaboration Tools


Assign To is a feature in ERPNext that allows you to assign a particular document to specific user, who needs to further work on that document.


Using Tags is a quick and easy way to classify different kinds of documents in their respective categories.

Kanban Board

Kanban Board is a tool which will give you a descriptive layout of your data in ERPNext based on status and a virtual board.

Search Filter

Search Filter is an option wherein you can filter down your search results while viewing a list or a report.

Save Filter

Save Filter is a Tool that will allow you to save certain filters in a document list or a report, so that you can reuse them.

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Checking Document Links

The tool gives you an option to check if the current document is linked to any previous documents and lists down all the forward links.

Access Log

Access Log is a security feature that logs all data exports by all users in the system.

Duplicate A Record

Duplicate is a feature that helps you to copy values of existing document into a new document.

Bulk Rename

Using renaming tool, you can to rectify/change multiple document ids at once. This tool is only accessible to the User who has System Manager role assigned.

Renaming Documents

Using Renaming feature, you can change ID of a master documents like Item, Warehouse, Accounts etc.

Search Filter

Search Filter option allow user to filter records based on value in the specific field of that documents list view and report builder.

Global Search

Global search is a word-processing operation in which a complete computer file or set of files is searched for every occurrence of a particular word or other sequence of characters.

Deleting and restoring Documents

In ERPNext, you can delete a records if not needed. They can be masters like Items, Customer or transactions like Sales Order, Payment Entries etc.

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