Using ERPNext

In any organization, it is very important to ensure transparency and accountability towards transactions and operations. To facilitate the same, there is a need to have ease of communication across teams and discussions, and for assignments and feedbacks to have minimal turn-round time.

Taking this concept into an ERP system, we have designed a bunch of tools whereby you can Assign transactions, manage your To Dos, share and maintain a Calendar, maintain a company-wise Knowledge Base, Tag and Comment on transactions and send your Orders, Invoices etc via Email. You can also send instant messages to other users using the Messaging tool.

These tools are integrated into all aspects of the product so that you can effectively manage your data and collaborate with your co-workers.

1. Tools

  1. To Do
  2. Notes
  3. Video
  4. Calendar
  5. Chat
  6. Dashboard
  7. Global Search
  8. Desktop

2. Collaboration Tools

  1. Assignment
  2. Tags
  3. Kanban Board
  4. Filter By
  5. Save Filter
  6. Search Filter
  7. Collaborating Around Forms

3. Navigation Guidance

  1. Keyboard Shortcuts


  1. Check Link Between Documents
  2. Access Log
  3. Duplicate Record
  4. Auto-Creation of ToDo Based on Assignment
  5. Document Versioning
  6. Deleting and Restoring Documents
  7. Attachment of Files
  8. Bulk Rename
  9. Renaming Documents
  10. Tree Master Renaming
  11. Letter Head In The Report
  12. Copy Pasting Multiple Records From Excel
  13. Adding Attachments To Outgoing Messages